Academic license

An academic license is available free of charge providing that you accept its TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

In particular, the agreement implies the following.

  1. You must be a member of an educational, academic or research institution.
    The license agreement automatically terminates once you no longer fulfill this requirement.
  2. You are obliged to cite AGMG in any publication or report as: "Yvan Notay, AGMG software and documentation; see".
  3. You may not make available to others the software in any form, either as source or as a precompiled object.
  4. You may not use AGMG for the benefit of any third party or for any commercial purposes.
    This excludes the use within the framework of a contract with an industrial partner. Fees for the commercial version are however modest, hence including them in the collaboration's budget should not be difficult (please remember this while you negotiate contracts implying computation that could benefit from the use of AGMG).

If you accept the terms and conditions of the license, download the agreement form, print it, fill it, and send us a scanned copy, providing also (for our information) a few words describing the context in which you intend to use AGMG.
Please note that, according to the requirement (1) above, an academic license can only be provided if the email request originates from the mail server of an academic institution.

Finally, if you use AGMG for research, please observe that your work benefits from our past research efforts that allowed the development of AGMG. Hence, even if you do not see it directly, the results obtained thanks to the use of AGMG depend on the results in publications [1-3] below, where the main algorithms used in AGMG are presented and justified. It is then a normal duty to cite these publications (besides AGMG itself as indicated above) in any scientific work depending on the usage of AGMG, as you would do with any former research result you are using.

[1] Y. Notay,
An aggregation-based algebraic multigrid method,
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, vol 37, pp. 123-146, 2010. [ pdf ]
[2] A. Napov and Y. Notay,
An algebraic multigrid method with guaranteed convergence rate,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 34, pp. A1079-A1109, 2012. [ pdf ((c) SIAM)]
[3] Y. Notay,
Aggregation-based algebraic multigrid for convection-diffusion equations,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 34, pp. A2288-A2316, 2012. [ pdf ((c) SIAM)]

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