Iterative solution with AGgregation-based algebraic MultiGrid

AGMG solves systems of linear equations with an aggregation-based algebraic multigrid method. It is expected to be efficient for large systems arising from the discretization of scalar second order elliptic PDEs. The method is however purely algebraic and may be tested on any problem. (No information has to be supplied besides the system matrix and the right-hand-side.)

AGMG has been designed to be easy to use by non experts (in a black box fashion). It is available both as a software library for FORTRAN or C/C++ programs, and as a Octave/Matlab function; Julia is also supported.

The Octave/Matlab/Julia versions accept real and complex matrices, whereas the FORTRAN/C/C++ library is available for double precision and double complex arithmetic. Several levels of parallelism are provided: multi-threading (multi-core acceleration of sequential programs), MPI-based, or hybrid mode (MPI+multi-threading).

Current version is 4.2.5. Backward compatibility is guaranteed with usage based on release not anterior to 3.0.0., except that for versions 4.1.1 and higher iter is not anymore an output argument. (The number of performed iterations may accessed in other ways, see the User Guide.) See the ChangeLog section of the Software page for more release information.


This project received financial support from the F.R.S.-FNRS and from PRACE.
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